Friday, February 12, 2016

How to Remove Shortcut Virus

How to Remove Shortcut Virus

Shortcut virus usually has two types of variations. One of them is Flash drive/flash disk storage Shortcut virus and the second one is the File and Folder Shortcut virus in computer/PC.

easy method to Remove Shortcut Virus:

1.Open Command Prompt By pressing windows key + R (Start ►Run) and type cmd in pop up box and click on ok.

2. Now Go to your Pendrive location and note down its drive letter. Let my Pendrive location is G drive.

3. In command window type del *.lnk  to remove all the link files in the directory.

4. After that type attrib -h -s -r /s /d g:\*.* command and press Enter

Command to remove shortcut virus is  attrib -h -s -r /s /d drive_letter:\*.*
Don't forget to change drive_letter with your Pendrive location(Here E drive).

How to Remove Shortcut Virus Using the USB Virus Removal Tool:

1. Download the USB Fix Software :

2. Disable your existing Antivirus software to avoid conflicts.

3. Plug in your infected USB device to the computer

4. Run USBFix tool which you downloaded in Step 1.

5. Click on Clean. Your computer may be restarted during clean-up. Once restarted, a report will be populated in the text-format to show the results of the clean-up.

UsbFix is a free malware removal tool that helps you to detect and remove infected USB memory sticks or any other USB removable devices, such as external HDD's, smartphones, digital cameras or other peripherals that connects to your computer or laptop via the USB port.

Key Features Include:

    Support offered directly from the software interface. You are able to post your issues on UsbFix's forum.

    UsbFix can detect and remove infections found on your removable devices.

    UsbFix repairs the damaged files to your PC, such as: registry, hidden files, task manager etc.

    Back-up support: UsbFix will backup your files and folders.

    Vaccination option: UsbFix prevents future infections by creating new autorun.inf files on removable drives.

The current version runs on almost all versions of Microsoft Windows such as XP, Vista, 7 and 8.

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