Sunday, April 10, 2016

Margo Price "Hurtin' (On The Bottle)" Official Video

Margo Price "Hurtin' (On The Bottle)" Official Video

Published on Dec 7, 2015

Order the "Hurtin' (On The Bottle)" 7" single with non-album B-Side "Desperate and Depressed" from Third Man Records HERE:

"Hurtin' (on the Bottle)" is the first single from Margo Price & The Pricetags upcoming record MIDWEST FARMER'S DAUGHTER, coming March 2016 on Third Man Records. "Hurtin' on the Bottle" is available now on 7" at and digitally at most major retailers.


How to remove Conficker worm

Infected with Conficker Worm.

Some or all of the following symptoms are present:

    Network slowdown caused by infected machines hammering each other
    Heavy traffic on ports 139 and 445
    Machines trying to access many gibberish domains
    Machines constantly broadcasting (pinging) other machines
    Accounts constantly getting locked out as the worm tries to crack passwords, which results in failed logins
    Many 529, 675, 680, 681 events in security logs on servers. (All basically pointing to audit failure failed logins)

The following services may be stopped or disabled on infected machines:

    Error Reporting
    Automatic Updates
    Background Intelligent Transfer Service
    Windows Defender (if installed and not disabled by VIPRE already)
    Blocks certain DNS lookups
    Exploits MS08-067 vulnerability in Server service
    Does an in-memory patch of DNSAPI.DLL to block lookups of anti-malware related web sites
    Disables Safe Mode
    Disables AutoUpdate
    Kills anti-malware
    Scans for and terminates processes with names of anti-malware, patch or diagnostic utilities at one-second intervals


    VIPRE Business
    All Supported Environments


    The first step is to implement the steps in this Microsoft KB article. This has to be accomplished first, or any fixes that are applied will be undone by the worm. (Please follow the article carefully. Modifying the permissions on the svchost key incorrectly can lead to total network outage resulting in having to fix every machine manually on the entire network.)
    Ensure that all the Windows machines on your network are protected by VIPRE. Agents must be up to at least version 3.1.2848 to be fully protected from this threat. If there are any Agents not up to that version, or if there are any machines that do not currently have VIPRE installed, they will be the likely source of continued problems in removing Conficker.
    Infected machines on the network must be located and cleaned. To do this we recommend a utility called NMAP. NMAP has built-in Conficker detection and can accurately point out infected machines by analyzing the type of network traffic that they produce. NMAP will not clean the machines identified, it simply tells you which machines need to be deep scanned and rebooted. You can download the NMAP Windows installer here:
    During installation, NMAP will install WinPCap. You will need to allow this. WinPCap may already have been installed by another network sniffer. NMAP will ask to uninstall old version and install new. This is OK. You do not need the NPF service to auto-run. It will start as needed when you run NMAP. You likely will want it to add itself to system variables so Windows knows where NMAP lives no matter where the cmd prompt is running from. The machine you install this on usually requires a reboot, so it might be a good idea not to put it on servers running business-critical services that cannot be interrupted. It should not require restart unless you want NPF service to auto start which is really not needed. After the install is complete, the following procedure will direct NMAP to go hunting for any machines exhibiting Conficker like behavior.
    The command to locate infected machines: (from an open cmd prompt) "nmap --script p2p-conficker,smb-os-discovery,smb-check-vulns --script-args=safe=1 -T4 -vv -p445 [target_networks] > outputfile.txt" Example: "nmap --script p2p-conficker,smb-os-discovery,smb-check-vulns --script-args=safe=1 -T4 -vv -p445 > c:\logs\conficker_scan1.txt" The resulting text files is a list of machines that will need a VIPRE deep scan. You may want to run NMAP scans in smaller sections of the network at a time so you do not have large log files to look through. ***Don't change the safe=1 switch or you may crash machines.***Other than the IP range and output log files, you can leave the rest of the string of commands "as is" for best results and highest safety. If you have more than one subnet -- you will need to scan each one separately.
    The machines showing under the "likely infected" list are the ones you are most interested in. If VIPRE is installed on the machines, scanned & nothing is found they may just need a reboot to finish removing the worm from memory. If the machines are not rebooted they will continue to generate traffic. If rebooting does not help -- it is possible that the ms08-067 patch either is not installed or has been patched by Conficker itself so will need re-installing.
    Once the identified machines have been scanned, cleaned and rebooted you will want to perform a couple more rounds of running NMAP to be certain there are no other infected machines online. Once that is done Conficker traffic should slow and then disappear as the infected machines that were causing it become clean through this process.
    Once you are comfortable that everything is cleaned up and you want to lift the restrictions set earlier, you can do so now.
    If you applied the GPO according to the Microsoft kb962007 article you cannot simply delete the GPO because doing that will leave the systems in a 'locked down' state.
    You will need to lift the restrictions set on the svchost registry key & the windows tasks folder otherwise you may run into issues down the road installing windows updates or any other software that needs write access to those objects.
    You should be able to edit the GPO & inherit the permissions from parent objects to restore the default permissions.
    The MS article you used to apply the GPO has instructions for resetting the permissions. This should be left in place for a few days to ensure all the PCs on the network get the updated GPO.
    You may consider leaving autorun disabled as an added layer of security against threats that use that method to spread.
    VIPRE policy configuration recommendations

    The policies where the general users are in I would leave the on access at half
    This should not have any performance issues yet give VIPRE the chance to react faster to incoming threats before they have a chance to try to execute
    If the servers run fine while at the 1/2 way setting It will not hurt to leave them at that
    As long as you have the recommended exclusions in place performance shouldn't be hindered
    Scanning USB devices should be left enabled across the board
    Scanning rootkits should be left enabled across the board
    If anything gets through ever again those settings should give you the earliest possible warning so it will be easier to contain to a much more limited number of machines if it does get on more than one.



W32.Downadup, also known as Conficker by some news agencies and antivirus vendors, is an extremely interesting piece of malicious code and one of the most prolific worms in recent years. It has an extremely large infection base – estimated to be upwards of 3 million computers - that have the potential to do a lot of damage. This is largely attributed to the fact that it is capable of exploiting computers that are running unpatched Windows XP SP2 and Windows 2003 SP1 systems. Other worms released over the past few years have largely targeted older system versions, which have an ever decreasing distribution.

W32.Downadup spreads primarily by exploiting the Microsoft Windows Server Service RPC Handling Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (BID 31874), which was first discovered in late-October of 2008. It scans the network for vulnerable hosts, but instead of flooding it with traffic, it selectively queries various computers in an attempt to mask its traffic instead. It also takes advantage of Universal Plug and Play to pass through routers and gateways.

It also attempts to spread to network shares by brute-forcing commonly used network passwords and by copying itself to removable drives.

It has the ability to update itself or receive additional files for execution. It does this by generating a large number of new domains to connect to every day. The worm may also receive and execute files through a peer-to-peer mechanism by communicating with other compromised computers, which are seeded into the botnet by the malware author.

The worm blocks access to predetermined security-related websites so that it appears that the network request timed out. Furthermore, it deletes registry entries to disable certain security-related software, prevent access to Safe Mode, and to disable Windows Security Alert notifications. 

Download Removal tool :


Friday, March 25, 2016

Download Google Nik collection free

Today we’re making the Nik Collection available to everyone, for free.

Photo enthusiasts all over the world use the Nik Collection to get the best out of their images every day. As we continue to focus our long-term investments in building incredible photo editing tools for mobile, including Google Photos and Snapseed, we’ve decided to make the Nik Collection desktop suite available for free, so that now anyone can use it.

The Nik Collection is comprised of seven desktop plug-ins that provide a powerful range of photo editing capabilities -- from filter applications that improve color correction, to retouching and creative effects, to image sharpening that brings out all the hidden details, to the ability to make adjustments to the color and tonality of images.

Starting March 24, 2016, the latest Nik Collection will be freely available to download: Analog Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, Silver Efex Pro, Viveza, HDR Efex Pro, Sharpener Pro and Dfine. If you purchased the Nik Collection in 2016, you will receive a full refund, which we’ll automatically issue back to you in the coming days.

We’re excited to bring the powerful photo editing tools once only used by professionals to even more people now.

Download Google Nik collection free:

How to make a website for beginner

Here’s why you’ll love this website setup guide:

The guide is very detailed, yet very easy to follow – even if you’re not very technical.

Other guides are outdated or misleading. I update my guides every month.
Fast Setup

You’ll have a clean, mobile-friendly website up and running in less than an hour.

Your website will be set up the right way on the right platform for what you need.


Before you start worrying about colour schemes and domain names, you’ve got to decide what platform you’re going to build your website with.

What do I mean by “platform”?

Well, back in 2004 when I got started with web development, most sites were built using HTML (code), CSS and even Flash. These took a lot of time to learn and were tricky to master.

That’s why most people still think creating a website from scratch is difficult or requires a lot of coding and design skills – but that’s no longer true!

In 2016, content management systems (CMS) like WordPress have made creating a website accessible to everyone.

To put simply, a content management system (or website building platform) is a user-friendly platform for building websites and managing your own online content, instead of using a bunch of loose HTML pages.


To get a new website online, you’re going to need two things:

    A domain name (a web address like
    Hosting (a service that connects your site to the internet)

The WordPress platform itself is free, but a domain name and hosting will cost you around $3 – $5 a month (less than a coffee, so it won’t break the bank).

Owning your own domain name looks far more professional than having your site on someone else’s domain (like, and it’s super affordable, too.

Plus, having your own hosting will also make sure your website loads quickly and won’t go down for hours at a time (pretty important for everyone who visits your pages.)

Set up your WordPress Website

Once you’ve bought your domain name and set up your hosting, you’re well on your way!

Now it’s time to get your website up and running. The first thing you’ll need to do is install WordPress to your domain.

Installing WordPress

There are two possible ways to install WordPress, one MUCH easier than the other.

*source :

Monday, March 21, 2016

Apple's iPhone SE

Apple's iPhone SE announcement: what to expect from Monday’s event

Apple's biggest products, just smaller

The announcements are shaping up to be a sequel to those made at Apple's last event, held six months ago. There, Apple announced the iPhone 6S, iPad Pro, an expansion of Apple Watch designs, and updates to iOS. This month, picture all of that repeated, but smaller. The current speculation is that Apple is about to unveil a new 4-inch iPhone, a smaller iPad Pro, and additional Watch bands. It might even use this as a chance to launch an update to iOS 9.

How to watch Apple's iPhone SE spring event

All of the updates are set to kick off at 10 a.m. PT when CEO Tim Cook will take the stage. For those not able to follow along live from Cupertino, Apple will be live streaming the event on its website so you don't have to miss a second.

As usual, Apple limits its live video feed to those running Safari on an iOS device (iOS 7 and later), Mac OS X (10.8.5 with Safari 6.0.5 or newer) or those with a second or third generation Apple TV with 6.2 or later. Windows 10 users can also watch on Microsoft's Edge browser.

Anti-Viral Foods and Herbs

A virus is an infection that cannot be cured with antibiotics. Examples of viral infections include the common cold and flu. Many foods and herbs are known for their antiviral properties, which means that they prevent or kill viruses. Some foods and herbs also have the ability to boost the immune system.


Garlic's antiviral properties can be attributed to a substance called allicin, which is activated when garlic is crushed, according to Fitness Arts. Garlic can be consumed in a variety of ways--it can be eaten raw or cooked, or taken in a capsule or extract. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, studies show that people taking garlic supplements are less likely to be infected with the common cold. Also, garlic was shown to speed recovery time once infected.


The most common use for St. John's Wort is alleviating minor depression, although it has antibacterial and antiviral properties as well. The University of Maryland Medical Center states that laboratory research shows that St. John's Wort may kill or slow the growth of human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV; however, it interferes with medications used to treat people with the virus, so HIV patients should not take the herb, and it should be used with caution in healthy adults who want to use it for its antiviral properties. The herb is contraindicated with several common medications such as antidepressants and anticoagulants. St. John's Wort can be dried and consumed, or can be ingested as a tea. Capsules and extracts are also available.


Echinacea is a powerful immune-boosting herb. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, echinacea can shorten the duration of the common cold and flu, and reduce symptoms such as sore throat, cough and fever. To be effective, it should be taken at the first sign of infection, such as a runny nose, sore throat or fatigue.


Astragalus is primarily used for its immune-boosting properties. The University of Maryland Medical Center states that studies have shown that astragalus has antiviral properties and stimulates the immune system. Researchers have investigated astragalus as a possible treatment for people whose immune systems have been compromised by chemotherapy or radiation.


Vitamins A, C, and E are all antioxidants vital to protecting the body against infection. Foods high in vitamin A include carrots and sweet potatoes. Red peppers are surprisingly high in vitamin C, along with the obvious fruits like oranges and grapefruit. Vitamin E can be found in sunflower seeds, almonds and some fish.

There are some seriously hardcore herbs out there at your disposal.

1. Prickly ash bark.

This is one mother of an antiviral, good also for chronic infections, depression, and digestive complaints (all which seem to tag along with long-term viruses). Go for the tincture and disregard the package directions. According to the ever-illuminating herbalist Matthew Wood, an effective and therapeutic dose is 1-3 drops of tincture three times a day, no matter your age, weight, or size. Note: prickly ash bark can affect lactation, so use cautiously if you're breastfeeding.

2. Apple cider vinegar.

Mix two tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar with eight ounces of water and a splash of lemon juice (sweeten with stevia if you like) and drink on an empty stomach three times a day. You can also apply vinegar to any affected areas of the skin, covering the area with a soft bandage (this is more easily done before going to sleep).

3. Oil of oregano.

Another serious antiviral and antioxidant, you can take oil oregano internally (1-4 drops in water twice a day), or externally on affected skin. Use cautiously if pregnant.

4. Garlic.

Eat as much garlic as you can stand. Seriously. A lot. And then eat more. If you can’t stand to eat it, get the capsules (you can find odorless ones) and take lots. Lots and lots and lots. For viral infections on the skin, you can pulp raw garlic and wrap it in gauze. Apply the poultice to the affected area (but don’t use for longer than two weeks). If you have a serious condition such as AIDS or cancer, avoid garlic if there's also a fever present.

5. Goldenseal or Oregon grape.

Goldenseal is a fantastic antiviral, but can be expensive as well as endangered and over harvested. If you can find it, take Oregon grape, the much less expensive, much more abundant cousin to goldenseal. Since both of these herbs contain berberine (which can kill off too much of your natural intestinal flora), take this for one week, then take a week off before resuming. Avoid it if you're pregnant.

6. St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort not only offers relief from depression, but it also helps fight viruses and boosts the immune system. Take the recommended dose, following bottle directions. Avoid if you’re currently taking an MAO or protease inhibitor.

Otherwise, all the usual general health stuff applies — fresh fruit and vegetables, exercise, fresh air (especially fresh air). But listen to your body. Viruses can sap our energy and if we exhaust ourselves, then it’s just an invitation for them to hang out longer.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

How to Factory Reset every China phone with chinese Recovery

How to Factory Reset every China phone with chinese Recovery

How to Factory Reset every China phone with chinese Recovery [HD]
Published on Apr 22, 2014

More interesting tutorials here ++ +++

Check out the best China Phone on AmazonUS:
Check out the best China Phone on AmazonUK:
Check out the best China Phone on AmazonDE:

Thanks for following +++ +++

Hey guys and welcome to a short china phone tutorial. Today i want to show you how to factory reset your china phone with chinese recovery. In this video i´m using a HDC S5 and a Iocean X7S.

Here is also a link to a picture with a good explanation :

If you have problems feel free to register at and post a new thread with your problem ! See you soon !

Thanks for watching :)


Friday, March 11, 2016

How To Get Free Wifi

How To Get Free Wifi Anywhere, Anytime (March 2016)
Published on Jan 9, 2013

How To Get Free Wifi Anywhere, Anytime (2016)

In this video I show you a way to get free wifi anywhere, anytime provided you have a smartphone that supports tethering.

Other Tutorials
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Spotify Premium for Free iOS 9:

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Install MovieBox & Playbox HD iOS 9.0 - 9.3 (No Jailbreak):

Install GBA4iOS & NDS4iOS iOS 9.0 - 9.3 (No Jailbreak):

Install NDS4iOS & PPSSPP iOS 9.0 - 9.3 (No Jailbreak):

Download YouTube Videos on iOS 9 for Free (No Jailbreak):

Stream Live Cable TV for Free to iOS 9 Devices:

Watch Sky/BT Sports Free on iOS/Android:

iCloud Lock Bypass iOS 9.0 - 9.2:

Free Unlimited VPN for iOS 9 (No Jailbreak):

Cydia Tweaks:

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How to Root Android Phone

How to Root Android SmartPhone device

Here an one-click application to install Superuser and su binary on phone. Look at the compatibility list here to see if this application can be useful for you.
Feedbacks on supported devices will be greatly appreciated in order to update the compatibility list. Post your feedback here
Superuser and su binary include in application work from android 2 to 4.

!! Important !!
Success with this application void warranty on your device.
If you need help, read the FAQ first before posting your question in the help thread

If you like my work, you can buy Framaroot donation app
Many many thanks to all donors


    Download it on your device (links are available at the end of this post)
    Install it with a file explorer or directly from your internet browser, if android warn you about security risk, say OK and check Unknown sources to allow install of applications outside of Play Store.


Open Framaroot and select one of the following action: Install SuperSU, Unroot or Execute script (for advanced users)

Possible case once application is launched

    A popup saying "Your device seems not vulnerable to exploit included in Framaroot", in this case you can uninstall app
    You seeing one or more exploit name, also click on one after you have selected an action and you will see one of the above messages

Possible case once exploit is selected

    "Success ... Superuser and su binary installed. You have to reboot your device"
    "Failed ... Exploit work but installation of Superuser and su binary have failed"
    "Half-Success :-/ ... system partition is read-only, use local.prop trick. Reboot your device and use adb to see if it run as root", happen when the filesystem in use on system partition is a read only filesystem (ex: squashfs)
    "Failed ... Try another exploit if available"
    Framaroot crash or freeze, in this case relaunch Framaroot a second time and select the same action and exploit

Advanced usage
Click here


Version 1.9.3: Update SuperSU to 1.99r4. Add Czech translation thanks to efIT^cz™.
Version 1.9.2: Update SuperSU to 1.94. Fix error #15.
Version 1.9.1: New action (Execute script) added which will allow you to execute a custom script. Ukrainian language added thanks to Bogdan.
Version 1.9.0: Add Barahir exploit (potentially affect Mediatek based devices).
Version 1.8.1: Another attempt to fix crashes.
Version 1.8.0: Add Faramir exploit, little brother of Boromir (potentially affect Mediatek based devices).
Version 1.7.1: Link to Framaroot donation added (it does nothing as this kind of application are forbidden on play store ... but it could do something someday)
Version 1.7.0: Due to a mistake, Pippin exploit didn't appear in exploit list, its fixed now (Huawei device owners welcome). Add Gollum exploit for AMLogic based devices.
Version 1.6.1: Remove Superuser as it fail to install. Add execution support from adb command line.
Version 1.6.0: Add Pippin exploit (potentially affect Huawei K3V2 based devices)
Version 1.5.3: An attempt to fix Gandalf error#10
Version 1.5.2: Revert to exploitation fix included in 1.4.1. Add Slovakian and Italian languages. Error # added in toast message when exploit failed (report the error number in this thread so I could give you the reason of failure). Previously fix for Framaroot crash was a dirty hack, with this version you shouldn't encounter crash.
Version 1.5.1: Should fix Framaroot crashes.
Version 1.5.0: Add Boromir exploit (potentially affect many Mediatek based devices).
Version 1.4.3: Update SuperSU to 1.34. Rewrote the fix include in 1.4.1 for better but slower exploitation.
Version 1.4.2: Add Russian and French languages. Add scrollbar for exploit list. Update SuperSU to 1.30
Version 1.4.1: Fix a bug in exploitation due to the different kernel data alignement between version and devices, so if exploits didn't work before it "may" work with this version if your device is vulnerable
Version 1.4: Add Gandalf exploit (potentially affect Qualcomm based devices, tested on Nexus 4, as always feedbacks are welcome)
Version 1.3: Add Aragorn and Legolas exploits (could affect wide range of samsung devices including non exynos devices, please give feedbacks for your devices. Thanks)
Version 1.2.1: Fix unroot bug. Improvements for exploitation. Embed SuperSU 1.25
Version 1.2: Add possibility to Install Superuser, Install SuperSU and Unroot
Version 1.1: Frodo exploit added
Version 1.0: Initial release

Supported devices:
Click here

Is framaroot work on my device ?
If your device is in the compatibility list above, the short answer is : yes but it depends of your firmware version, latest firmware have less chance to be rooted.
If your device is not in the compatibility list and it embed one of the processor mentionned above, the answer is : try it and see.

Why framaroot doesn't root anymore after I update my device ?
Because framaroot exploit security holes present in several devices which has been patched with update you have done, so exploits can't root your device anymore. Framaroot's exploits have a very short life to keep your device "less exposed" to others malicious application. Keep in mind that framaroot is not a permanent rooting application.

I loose root after update, what I can do to root my device now ?
An advice : if you want to have a chance to keep root after update, don't update with Kies or ODIN for samsung devices or don't flash system partition, prefer OTA update and use OTA survival feature in Superuser or SuperSU.
And if you have no choice, you can use the traditional method : flash tools specific to your device

Will framaroot include more exploits ?
Yes, but don't ask when since I don't know myself, it depend of the vendors fix response.

Framaroot crash when I select Gandalf exploit ?
Often the first time you launch Framaroot by selecting Gandalf as exploit, it crash Framaroot. Don't worry, in this case you have to re-launch Framaroot and select Gandalf again, the second time it should work.

What means error# on result ?
All errors less or equal to 9 mean your device is not vulnerable.
If you get error#10, give a try with Framaroot 1.5.3.
All other errors need some investigation about your kernel image.

Framaroot say Success but SuperSU is not installed after reboot ?
Maybe there is some additional protection on your device or something goes wrong with SuperSU version embedded in Framaroot.
In this case, I recommend to use "Execute script" action and put your own shell script commands in /sdcard/custom (use at your own risk, all commands are executed with root privileges). Look at this post to know how to use custom script.

What can I do when the result is Half-success ?
You see this message when the /system partition on your device is a read-only filesystem (eg: SquashFS). To handle this case Framaroot try to use a trick by adding "ro.kernel.qemu=1" in file /data/local.prop. To test if this trick work you have to reboot your device and connect to it with adb shell. Once connected type the "id" command to see if you are root.
If you are not root, your last chance is to select "Execute script" action and put your own shell script commands in /sdcard/custom (use at your own risk, all commands are executed with root privileges). Look at this post to know how to use custom script. 

Framaroot-1.9.3.apk - [Click for QR Code] (1.25 MB, 22174154 views) by alephzain


Compatibility for Qualcomm devices (Gandalf exploit only) :
  • ASUS Memopad FHD 10 LTE
  • Asus Padfone 1/2
  • Asus Padfone A66
  • Asus Padfone Infinity
  • Asus Transformer Pad Infinity TF700KL
  • Archos 50 Platinum
  • BLU Studio 5.3 S
  • BW T18+ (Fortis Evo)
  • Cloudfone Thrill 430x
  • Disgo 8400g
  • DNS S4504/S4503/S4502
  • FAEA F1
  • Gigabyte GSmart G1315 Skate
  • Gigabyte GSmart Rio R1
  • Google Nexus 4
  • Highscreen Spark/OMEGA Q/Blast/Strike/Boost
  • Hisense AD683G
  • HTC One S
  • Huawei Ascend G330D U8825D
  • Huawei Ascend G526
  • Huawei Honor Pro (U8950-1)
  • Huawei Premia 4g
  • Huawei U8815/U8816 Ascend G300/G301
  • Huawei U8825D Ascend G330D
  • Huawei Vitria Y301-A2
  • Huawei Y215
  • Karbonn Titanium S5
  • Kyocera Hydro Edge
  • Kyocera Hydro Xtrm
  • Kyocera Torque
  • Lenovo A600e
  • Lenovo A706
  • Lenovo S870E
  • LF-LTE3 (F260S)
  • LG Nitro HD
  • LG L1 II
  • LG L7 II P700/P710/P714/P715/P870
  • LG Lucid 2 (VS870)
  • LG Optimus Dynamic 2
  • LG Optimus F5 (P875)
  • LG Optimus F7
  • LG Optimus G E970/E975
  • LG Optimus L3 II E425
  • LG Optimus L5 E610/612/615
  • LG Optimus L7 II P710/P713/ P714/P715
  • LG Optimus L7 P700/Р705
  • LG Optimus LTE 2
  • Micromax A111 Canvas Doodle
  • Motorola Defy Mini XT321
  • Oppo Find 5
  • Orange Nivo
  • Orange Yumo
  • Orange Zali
  • Pantech Discover
  • Pantech Flex
  • Pantech IM-A840S Vega S5
  • Pantech Sky S5 A840S
  • Pentagram Combo
  • Phicomm i370w / i600 / i800
  • Samsung Galaxy Core i8260
  • Samsung Galaxy Express GT-I8730
  • Samsung Galaxy Win I8552
  • Sharp Aquos Phone SH930W
  • Smartfren Andromax U
  • Smartfren Andromax i2
  • Sony Xperia E C1505/Dual C1605
  • Sony Xperia L C210X
  • teXet TM-3204R
  • teXet TM-4677
  • Xiaomi Mi-2S
  • Yarvik Ingenia Compact SMP35-200
  • ZTE T83 (Telstra Dave)
  • ZTE V880G/ZTE V955
  • ZTE V9815 Grand Memo N5
  • ZTE Warp Sequent
  • Waiting feedbacks ...

Compatibility for MTK devices (Boromir, Faramir and Barahir exploits only) :
  • A8 Alps
  • Acer A1-810
  • Acer A1-811
  • Acer B1-711
  • Acer Iconia A3-A10
  • Acer Liquid E2
  • Acer Liquid Z3
  • Alcatel 975N (Vodafone Smart 3)
  • Alcatel OT 4030D S'POP
  • Alcatel OT 8008D Scribe HD
  • Alcatel OT 997D
  • Alcatel OT Fierce
  • Alcatel OT Idol 6012X / Le Mobile Sosh / Orange Hiro
  • Alcatel OT Idol 6030X/6030D/6030H
  • Alcatel OT Scribe Easy 8000a
  • Alcatel OT Star 6010X
  • Alcatel OT Pop C5
  • Alcatel OT Ultra 6033x
  • Alcatel OT X'Pop 5035D
  • Amoi N828
  • Archos 40 Titanium
  • Arc Mobile 350D
  • ASUS Memo Pad HD 7
  • atab4w
  • AVUS A24
  • BEDOVE X12
  • Blu Dash 5.0
  • Blu Life Play
  • BLU Studio 5.0 / 5.5 / 5.5S
  • BQ Aquaris 5 / 5.7
  • BQ Elcano
  • Brondi Glory 2
  • Cat B15
  • Changhong z9
  • Charmpin (UTime) G7
  • Cherry Mobile Amber
  • Cherry Mobile Burst 2
  • Cherry Mobile Cosmos S
  • Cherry Mobile Cosmos X
  • Cherry Mobile Omega XL
  • Cherry Mobile Thunder 2.0
  • Chinese Star S7589
  • Chuwi VX1
  • Coolbox Quore v57
  • Coolpad F1 (8297)
  • Cube U39GT 3G (CubeTalk 9)
  • Cube U51GT C4
  • Cube U55GT (CubeTalk 79)
  • Cubot A890
  • CUBOT GT90 / GT99
  • CUBOT X6 / P6
  • Doogee DG200 Hotwind
  • Doogee DG350
  • Evercoss A7S
  • Excelvan ET704
  • Explay HD Quad
  • Explay infinity II
  • Explay Polo
  • Explay Surfer 7.32 3G
  • Explay Surfer 8.31 3G
  • Explay X-Tremer
  • Fly IQ440 Energie
  • Fly IQ441 Radiance
  • Fly IQ442 Miracle
  • Fly IQ443 Trend
  • Fly IQ446 Magic
  • Fly IQ450 Quattro Horizon 2
  • Fly IQ451
  • Gionee 868H
  • Gionee E7 mini
  • Gionee Elife E3
  • Gionee GN 708
  • Gionee Pioneer P2
  • GoClever Fone 570Q
  • GoClever Quantum 4
  • GoClever Tab M713G
  • Goophone N3
  • GSmart Aku A1
  • GSmart Sierra S1
  • GuoPhone G9002
  • Haier W718
  • Haipai I9389
  • HDC I9500/N9006
  • Highscreen Alpha GTX
  • Hisense U970
  • HKC Q79 3G
  • Hosin v70
  • Huawei U8836D G500 Pro
  • Huawei G610-U00 / G610-U20
  • Huawei G700-U10 / G700-U20
  • Huawei Ascend G730
  • Huawei Y320
  • Huawei Y511
  • HTM A6
  • HTM M1/M3
  • HUMMER H1+
  • iBall Slide 3G Q1035
  • IconBIT NetTAB Space 3G Duo
  • IconBIT NetTAB Mercury Q7
  • I-mobile series I-style 7.2
  • Inco Colossus II
  • INEW I6000+
  • iNEW V3
  • Intex Aqua HD
  • iOcean X7
  • iWING WTD2
  • Jiake JK 11
  • Jiayu F1
  • Jiayu G2
  • Jiayu G3S
  • Jiayu G4
  • Just5 Spacer
  • Karbonn A1 / A30 / A9+
  • Karbonn Titanium S2
  • Kata i3
  • Kata Venus 3
  • KENEKSI Beta
  • KingTopKt07
  • Kvd N3+
  • Lava iris 405 / 503
  • Lenovo A3300
  • Lenovo B8000-H
  • Lenovo 10.1" Tablet S6000
  • Lenovo IdeaPhone P700i
  • Lenovo IdeaPhone S720
  • Lenovo IdeaTab A3000-H
  • Lenovo IdeaTab S6000-H
  • Lenovo P770/P780
  • Lenovo S890, S720, S820, S920, A390, A850, A516, A656, A368i, A369i, A859
  • Lenovo S5000-H
  • Lenovo S6000-F
  • Lenovo Yoga 8 / 10
  • Le Pan TC802a
  • M-Pai 809T
  • M4tel SS1060
  • Mi354 "Spice Smart Flo Space"
  • Micromax A58
  • Micromax A89 Ninja
  • Micromax A90
  • Micromax A114 / A117
  • Micromax A115 Canvas 3D
  • Micromax Canvas 2 Colors A120
  • Micromax Canvas 2 Plus
  • Micromax Canvas 4 A210
  • Micromax Canvas EGO A113
  • Micromax Canvas HD
  • Mlais MX70
  • MoreFine S6 Pro
  • Motorola RAZR D1
  • Motorola RAZR D3
  • MSI primo 76
  • MyPhone Agua Iceberg
  • Mysaga C2
  • N800 Mini Note
  • Neken N6
  • NEO N003 Advance
  • Newman N1 / K18
  • Nexa Vega N4
  • NGM Forward Prime
  • NGM Forward Young
  • NGM Dynamic Racing GP
  • No.1 S7
  • Omate TrueSmart
  • Onda v819 3G tablet
  • OPPO Find Clover
  • Oppo find 5 mini
  • Oppo findway U7015
  • OUMEI X5
  • Overmax Vertis-01/01+
  • Overmax Vertis-02/02+
  • Pantech Vega LTE Ex (IM-820L)
  • Pearl Smartwatch AW-414
  • Philips W536
  • Philips W736
  • Phoenix Rockx1
  • PocketBook SURFpad 3
  • Prestigio Multipad 4 Quantum
  • Prestigio MultiPhone 4055
  • Prestigio MultiPhone PAP 3350/3400/4505/5044 DUO
  • Runbo x5 / x6
  • S09 W63 IP68
  • Sesonn N9200+
  • Sharp AQUOS SH837W
  • Shengda S4
  • Sky Vega A800S
  • Smartfren Andromax V
  • Star HD9000+
  • Star N8000
  • Star N9800
  • Star S5 Butterfly
  • Star S6
  • Star S9500
  • Starmobile Diamond V3
  • Starmobile Knight
  • Symphony Xplorer ZII
  • Tecno R7
  • TeXet NaviPad TM-7055HD
  • Texet TM-5277
  • THL T100S / T200
  • THL V12
  • THL W8 Beyond
  • THL W8S
  • THL W11
  • THL W100(S) (130711)
  • THL W200(S)
  • Tronsmart TS7
  • Ulefone u7
  • Utime U100S
  • Vonino Ego QS
  • Vonino Sirius QS
  • Xiaocai X9
  • Xiaomi Hongmi / Redmi
  • Xolo A600/Q700/Q800/Q3000
  • Zen Ultrafone 701HD
  • ZOPO 980/990
  • ZOPO C2 Platinum
  • ZOPO C3
  • ZOPO ZP910
  • ZOPO ZP300+ / ZP500+
  • ZOPO ZP900 Leader
  • ZOPO ZP950H
  • ZOPO ZP990+
  • ZOPO ZP998
  • ZTE BLADE G2 V880H
  • ZTE Kis
  • ZTE Leo S1
  • ZTE N986
  • ZTE Open
  • ZTE Roamer 2
  • ZTE V795
  • ZTE V880G/H
  • ZTE V967S
  • ZTE V987 Grand X Quad
  • Walpad
  • Walton Primo F3i / G1 / H2 / EF
  • Wiko Cink Peax 2
  • Wiko Darkfull
  • Wiko Darknight
  • Wiko Darkmoon
  • Wiko Iggy
  • Wiko Ozzy
  • Wiko Rainbow
  • Wiko Stairway
  • Waiting feedbacks ...

Compatibility for Huawei K3V2 devices (Pippin exploit only) :
  • Huawei Ascend D1 Quad XL U9510E
  • Huawei Ascend G615
  • Huawei Ascend Mate
  • Huawei Honor 2
  • Huawei MediaPad 10 Link
  • Waiting feedbacks ...

Compatibility for AMLogic devices (Gollum exploit only) :
  • Waiting feedbacks ...

Compatibility for Samsung devices (Legolas and Aragorn exploits only) :
  • Samsung Galaxy Core GT-I8262
  • Samsung Galaxy S Aviator
  • Samsung Galaxy S M110S
  • Samsung Galaxy Proclaim S720C
  • Samsung Galaxy Young GT-S6312/GT-S6310
  • Samsung Illusion SCH-I110
  • Samsung Lightray SCH-R940
  • Waiting feedbacks ...

Compatibility for Exynos devices (Sam, Frodo, Legolas and Aragorn exploits only) :
  • AT&T Galaxy Note 2 SGH-I317
  • Highscreen Explosion
  • Hyundai T10
  • Hyundai T7s
  • Impression 9702 (Exynos 4412)
  • Lenovo K860/К860i
  • Newman N2
  • Meizu MX2
  • Samsung Galaxy Camera EK-GC100
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 GT-N8000, GT-N8010, GT-N8013, GT-N8020
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 2 GT-N7100
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 2 LTE GT-N7105
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
  • Samsung Galaxy Note GT-N7000
  • Samsung Galaxy S GT-i9000
  • Samsung Galaxy S2 AT&T SGH-I777
  • Samsung Galaxy S2 Epic 4G Touch - SPH-D710
  • Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100
  • Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I9300
  • Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE GT-I9305
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab Plus GT-P6200/GT-P6210
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 GT-P6800/GT-P6810
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 SCH-i815
  • Samsung SGH-i997 Infuse 4G
  • T-Mobile Galaxy Note 2 T-889
  • Verizon Galaxy Note 2 SCH-I605
  • iBerry Auxus CoreX2 3G and CoreX4 3G

Compatibility for Omap36XX devices (Gimli exploit only) :
  • Archos Gen8
  • Cliq 2 MB611
  • Coolpad Quattro 4G
  • Droid 2 (a955)
  • Droid 2 Global (a956)
  • Droid X (MB810)
  • LG Marquee LS855
  • LG P970 Optimus Black
  • Motorola DEFY+ (MB525 / MB526)
  • Motorola Droid PRO
  • Motorola Droid X
  • Motorola Milestone 2
  • Motorola XPRT
  • Parrot ASTEROID Smart
  • R2D2 (a957)

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

How to Create Official Windows 10 Bootable USB Flash Drive

How to Create Official Windows 10 Bootable USB Flash Drive

The script to get your Windows 10 key:

Windows 10 released a few days ago on July 29! If you ever need to create a clean installation of Windows 10, then this is the tutorial for you.

This is for people who have gotten a Windows 10 product key by taking the reservation of Windows 10 and getting the free upgrade. You get a Windows 10 product key embedded into your system.

If you upgraded from Windows 7 or 8 to Windows 10, you will not need to use a product key. You can skip entering the product key!
If you purchased a Windows 10 key, you will have to use the script and enter the product key.

Windows 10 Download Tool:

The script is on my blog below for copying and pasting. I changed it, and it should work!
Get your current Windows 10 Product Key:

If when you install Windows 10, your Windows 10 is not activated, open Command Prompt as Administrator and enter the following command:
slmgr.vbs /ato


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

How to Repair Install to Fix Windows 7 Without Reformatting

Repair Install to Fix Windows 7 Without Reformatting by Britec

Why do I need to do a Repair Installation?

You have tried System Restore and it did not help fix your Windows 7 issues.
You have tried all options ie: chkdsk /r sfc /scannow system restore etc etc to fix your Windows 7 Installation.
You do not want to do a fresh install of Windows 7.
You do want to preserve your user accounts, data, programs, and system drivers.

So if you have answered all above then the time is right to do a Repair Install of your Operating System.

Your need:

1. Standard Win7 installation DVD
2. Original 25-character product key (This can be found on a sticker on your PC/Laptop or paperwork that come with your retail copy of Windows 7.)
Lost your product key? well you can recover it with magic jellybean for free.
(link below)

3. Doing a Repair Install with Windows 7 SP1 with a Pre-SP1 DVD?, then you need to uninstall SP1 before proceeding with the Repair Install. Just uninstall from add and remove programs like I show you in the video.

4. In-case it goes wrong, remember Backup, Backup, Backup before you proceed with the Repair Install.

Published on Feb 8, 2013


Saturday, March 5, 2016

How to remove Android virus

How to remove a virus from Android

Step 1. Put your phone or tablet into Safe mode. This prevents any third-party apps running, including any malware. On many devices you can press the power button to access the power off options, then press and hold Power off to bring up an option to restart in Safe mode. If this doesn't work for your device then you should Google 'How to put [your model name] into Safe mode' and follow the instructions. When in Safe mode you'll see 'Safe mode' at the bottom left of the screen.

Step 2. Open your Settings menu and choose Apps, then make sure you're viewing the Downloaded tab. If you don't know the name of the virus you think has infected your Android phone or tablet, go through the list and look for anything dodgy-looking or that you know you haven't installed or shouldn't be running on your device.

Step 3. Tap on the malicious app (clearly it won't be called 'Dodgy Android virus', this is just an illustration) to open the App info page, then click Uninstall. In most cases, this is all you need to do to remove the virus, but occasionally you might find the Uninstall button is greyed out. This is because the virus has given itself Device administrator status.

Step 4. Exit the Apps menu and tap on Settings, Security, Device Administrators. Here you'll find a list of any apps on your phone or tablet with administrator status. Simply untick the box for the app you want to remove, then tap Deactivate on the next screen. You should now be able to return to the apps menu and remove that app.

Step 5. With the virus now off your Android phone or tablet, all you need to is restart the device to take it out of Safe mode. Now that it's working correctly it's a good time to back up whatever important data you have stored on the device, and install an Android antivirus app to protect you from any future viruses that come your way. 


Friday, March 4, 2016

How to make easy fried rice

How to make easy fried rice


    2 1/2 cups cooked white rice
    1/2 tablespoon butter
    2 eggs, whisked
    2 1/2 cups frozen peas and carrots (can find a combination bag in the frozen food section of grocery store)
    1 tablespoon minced garlic
    1/4 teaspoon minced onion
    4-5 tablespoons soy sauce
    2-3 teaspoons seasame oil
    Salt and pepper, to taste


    Melt butter in a large skillet. Add eggs and cook until scrambled. Remove to plate.
    In the same skillet, add the minced garlic, onion powder, peas, and carrots. Saute for 5 minutes or until tender.
    Add rice and soy sauce to skillet, stirring to combine.
    Stir for an additional 7-10 minutes to fry the rice.
    Turn heat to low, add eggs and seasame oil. Stir to combine.
    Remove from heat.
    Serve immediately or refrigerate until ready to serve.


Be sure to taste the amount of soy sauce and seasame oil as you cook. I used a higher content of both, but you can increase/decrease to your liking.

Fried rice will keep refrigerated for up to five days.



This is a super easy recipe for fried rice that looks like you ordered it in a restaurant, but tastes so much better * is so much better for you. Use green peas and onions for a 'traditional' recipe. 1 bowl-full

1 egg, whisked

1/2    cup cooked brown rice

1 cup (or more) mixed veggies (bell peppers, onions, bean sprouts) chopped small

1 tsp. oil (I use EVOO and guess the amount)

toasted splash sesame oil (for flavour)

2 tsp. black bean sauce (guess the amount depending on your personal taste)


   - Preheat non-stick frying pan over medium heat.
   - Chop mixed veggies into small pieces (I like to use bell peppers, frozen green peas, green onions and bean sprouts).
    - Pour your oils into preheated pan (EVOO first because sesame oil will burn easily). Swirl to coat bottom of pan.
    - When oil is hot, add in vegetables and stir-fry until crisp-tender.
   - When veggies are crisp-tender, push to side of pan and add whisked egg to empty space, stirring constantly until scrambled and cooked through.
    - When egg is completely cooked, mix in with the veggies and stir all together.
    - Turn head to low and add in brown rice, stirring to combine.
    - Add black bean sauce and heat through. Serve hot from pan.
    This is a great, satisfying and healthy vegetarian meal!


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

How to fix crashes in minecraft

How to fix crashes in minecraft

Lower Render Distance
Set your render distance one lower than it is already, this fixed all my crashes, it does not matter how good your machine is, mine can run Crysis 2 and completly maxed out settings (even with an "extreme" setting) with no lag, but this fixed my minecraft crashing. I was on Far and am now on normal.

Do a clean install. (Windows)

    First back up your saves.
    C:\Users\<YOUR USER>\appdata\roaming\.minecraft
    Copy the Saves folder to your desktop.
    You may also want to back up texture packs.
    Now delete everything else in the .minecraft folder.
    Launch Minecraft and let it download all the files.
    Now put your Saves folder back in your .minecraft folder.
    You have just done a clean install and kept your saves.

If you are still having problems after this try:

    Open the Minecraft client
    Click on options (directly above Login)
    Click on "Force Update!"
    Click on "Done"
    Log in to the game, and the client will re-download the game files


Make sure all your drivers are up to date, for keyboards and USB to GFX cards and Sound cards.

    Update Java

    Turn Smooth Lighting off

    If you are running 64 Bit windows make sure you have 64 bit java.

    To get 64 bit java open internet explorer 64bit

    Go to and download java from there.


AVG AntiVirus for Android

AVG AntiVirus for Android
Why do I need AntiVirus software?

Today, smartphones and tablets are essentially personal computers on the go; and just like personal computers, they are also prone to viruses and malware. With millions of people storing sensitive information on mobile devices and using them to surf the web, read emails and carry out financial transactions, it is not surprising that cyber criminals are targeting these devices.

Malware finds its way onto mobile devices through the same attack vectors by which it infiltrates computers: opening an email attachment, clicking on a web link, or downloading a file or an app. Mobile devices can also be maliciously used by cyber criminals to launch a DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack on cellular networks, just like personal computers are used to “crash” a targeted website by overloading it with illegitimate traffic.

To protect your device against these increasing threats, it is highly recommended to use antivirus software.
What is AVG AntiVirus for Android™?

AVG AntiVirus for Android is a security app for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. The app's core purpose is to protect your mobile device from security threats and malware which are becoming more and more popular in the mobile domain.

AVG AntiVirus for Android goes beyond protecting your device. With features such as App Lock, Task Killer, Tuneup and its Anti-Theft service, AVG AntiVirus for Android also helps you maintain your privacy, monitor performance, and remotely lock, locate, and wipe your device if it is ever lost or stolen.
What are the differences between the AVG AntiVirus FREE and PRO versions?

AVG offers two versions of AVG AntiVirus for Android: FREE and PRO. The FREE version offers our malware protection as well as several value-added tools. The PRO version is a full version that includes all the app’s advanced features.


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

How to fix Monkey Test and Time service Ghost push viruses android

Ghost push trojan malware is the origin of monkey test android virus & Time service virus. Ghost push injects malicious code into fake apps with the famous app name such as Talking Tom 3, Privacy Locker or smart locker.

This Trojan malware gets installed on your smartphone, once you download and install the infected apps from outside of Google Play.

The most common Ghost Push viruses that are currently infecting the Android smartphones are monkey Test, Time service, cameraupdate.apk, providerdown.apk, thememanager.apk, providercertificate.apk.

Cheetah Mobile is the developer of popular apps such as Clean Master and CM Security Antivirus, who investigates more about Ghost push right from the beginning. Now, they came up with the new security tool called Ghost Push Trojan Killer App to remove those Trojans. Follow the below steps to remove those virus/malware from your device.

Download and install the Ghost Push Trojan Killer App

Freezing is the alternative way to stop an app from background running and auto start. There are several apps available on Google Play store to freeze any app. Link2SD and device control are the excellent tool in this category.

    Install either Link2SD or Device control app.
    Once installed, open either Link2SD or Device control on your smartphone and tap on Monkey test app.

 3. After the virus app getting frozen, try to uninstall Monkey Test & Time service app by using Link2SD or Device Control

 4. Immediately, you will get a list of option to control the app, select Uninstall from there. If the application failed to uninstall, just try to utilize the Freeze mode.


Repeat the step 2 & 4 to stop Time service virus from background running.

Manually deleting Ghost Push viruses:

Depending on your Android version, go to the below location which, is available on your device. Find the Ghost Push virus such as Monkey Test, Time service, cameraupdate.apk, providerdown.apk,thememanager.apk, providercertificate.apk and delete it.

    Phone memory/data/app.
    Phone memory/vendor/operator/app.
    Phone memory/system/priv-app.
    Phone memory/system/apps.
    Phone memory/system/preloadapp.

Alert: You should have root access to navigate to this location. Otherwise, this trick also will not work.


Monday, February 29, 2016

How to clean android spy apps

How to clean android spy apps
One of the easiest and most efficient ways to remove and uninstall spy software from your cell phone or tablet, is to run a factory reset on it. For those not familiar with what factory resetting is, this feature allows us to reset electronic devices back to the settings and virgin operating system setup it had when you first took it out of the box.

It pretty much uninstalls everything, and re-installs a fresh copy of the software, and is a common way to fix problems with a variety of devices, including smartphones and tablets.

The factory reset will wipe out everything from apps to your contacts and saved settings, and for that reason, it’s one of the best ways to ensure that you get rid of all tracking software that might be present on the device.

Android has a large selection of software available on the Google Store and that includes an app for the exact purpose of finding and removing any kind of hidden monitoring and tracking software that could be present. The most popular at the moment is Anti Spy Mobile Free – rated 4 stars overall by over 7000 users.

Beyond the app, we would suggest a factory reset, while an update can also work if you do not backup your apps, and remains much easier without all the work that comes with setting up your phone from scratch again, resetting it will ensure that any malware or illegitimate spying and logging viruses are also taken care of.


How to play minecraft

How to play minecraft game

Minecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks. At first, people built structures to protect against nocturnal monsters, but as the game grew players worked together to create wonderful, imaginative things.

It can also be about adventuring with friends or watching the sun rise over a blocky ocean. It’s pretty. Brave players battle terrible things in The Nether, which is more scary than pretty. You can also visit a land of mushrooms if it sounds more like your cup of tea.

You can buy Minecraft for PC/Mac here, Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition and Minecraft: Xbox One Edition on the XBLA Marketplace, and Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition Beta on the Microsoft Store, and Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition, Minecraft: Playstation 4 Edition, and Minecraft: Playstation Vita Edition on the Playstation Network. Minecraft: Pocket Edition is available for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Amazon Kindle Fire.
Having issues with your account?

Are you having problems buying Minecraft or logging in? Are you getting odd error messages? Direct any account/support related issues here.
Creative? Survival? What’s with all the blocks?

First, the tall green things like to be stroked. Try that later for a nice surprise.

Minecraft is split into two separate game modes. Creative and Survival. You can play both of them in multiplayer. If you’re mostly interested in making huge structures from scratch with unlimited resources, Creative mode is your best bet. You won’t see any enemies, and you can pull blocks of all shapes and sizes out of thin air. It’s a peaceful world.

However, if you’d prefer to adventure into a world of danger, where you’re crafting and creating out of necessity, you’ll probably want to play in Survival mode. That comes with gangs of monsters who want to break/explode/eat your bones, one pixel at a time. You’ll need to protect yourself from the creatures that come out at night.
Community Made Tutorials

The tutorials below are made by people from our lovely community. They will get you going in no-time. If you're still clueless, you can try the support center or one of the community resources.


Sunday, February 28, 2016

How to download video from youtube and other video sites

How to download video from youtube and other video sites

KeepVid Video Downloader is a free web application that allows you to download videos from sites like YouTube, Facebook, Twitch.Tv, Vimeo, Dailymotion and many more. All you need is the URL of the page that has the video you want to download. Enter it in the textbox above and simply click 'Download'. KeepVid will then fetch download links in all possible formats that the particular site provides.

Supported Sites (30)


Which websites does KeepVid support?
Dailymotion, 4shared, 5min, 9you,, Aniboom,, Break,, Clipser,, CollegeHumor, Cracked, Current,,, eHow, eBaumsWorld, Ensonhaber, Facebook, Flickr, Flukiest, FunnyJunk, FunnyOrDie,, Metacafe, MySpace, Ning, Photobucket, RuTube, SoundCloud, Stagevu, TED, Tudou, TwitVid, VBOX7, videobb,, Veoh, Vimeo,

Do I need Java to use KeepVid?
Java is sometimes required as it helps fetch the download links in the case that we cannot provide them.


Notice 06/04/2014: KeepVid now runs perfectly with Java 7

For some sites you are downloading from, KeepVid requires Java (Runtime Environment) for the assistance in fetching download links.

You can download the latest version of Java that work with KeepVid here:


Chrome on iOS (CriOS)

Chrome on iOS (CriOS)

The UA in Chrome for iOS is the same as the Mobile Safari user agent, with CriOS/<ChromeRevision> instead of Version/<VersionNum>.

Here’s an example of the Chrome UA on iPhone:

Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 5_1_1 like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/534.46.0 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/19.0.1084.60 Mobile/9B206 Safari/7534.48.3

For comparison, the Safari UA:

Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1A543 Safari/419.3

For more information about Mobile Safari user agent strings, see Using the Safari User Agent String.


Saturday, February 27, 2016

How to remove Android virus Mazar BOT

How to remove Android virus Mazar BOT

There are a few things you can do to keep your phone safe from Mazar BOT, and we recommend you take a moment now to verify and adjust these settings.

1. First of all, NEVER click on links in SMS or MMS messages on your phone. Android phones are notoriously vulnerable and current security product dedicated to this OS are not nearly as effective as they are on computers.

2. Go to Settings > Security and make sure this option is turned OFF: „Unknown Sources – Allow installation of apps from sources other than the playstore.”

3. Install a top antivirus for Android. It may not be enough to protect your phone, but it’s certainly good to have. You can find top-rated options in this article.

4. Do not connect to unknown and unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots. There are plenty of dangers lurking out there, and following some common-sense steps to keep yourself safe from them is the best thing to do. Also, keep your Wi-Fi turned OFF when you don’t use it.

5. Install a VPN on your smartphone and use constantly. It’s good for both your privacy and your security.

6. Maintain a cautious attitude at all times. Android security has not kept up with the high adoption rate of smartphones running the OS, and users may have to wait a long time until better security solutions appear. Until then, a careful evaluation of what happens on your phone is a very good safeguard.


Online security experts Heimdal recommend taking a number of steps to protect against infection by the Mazar malware.

1. Never click on links in SMS or MMS messages on your phone

2. Go to Settings > Security and turn off the option that allows installation of apps from unknown sources

3. Install antivirus software for Android

4. Do not connect to unknown or unsecured WiFi hotspots

5. Install a VPN on your smartphone

Read more:

How to crack WPA/WPA2 wifi password

How to crack WPA/WPA2 wifi password

 Using the terminal:

1. Download aircrack-ng:

    sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng

2. Put Wifi adapter into monitor mode:

    sudo airmon-ng start wlan0

3. Use airodump-ng to scan for WPA/WPA2 encrypted network BSSIDs:

    sudo airodump-ng mon0

 4. <crtl+c> after a few seconds or once a list of BSSIDs has populated, it should look like this:

The BSSIDs are listed on the left, these are the IDs for the various surrounding networks. Pick one which is WPA/WPA2 and uses a Public Shared Key (PSK).

Don't close this terminal, open up a new terminal and use this now instead.


    sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev && wget && tar xfvz reaver-1.4.tar.gz && cd reaver-1.4/src/ && ./configure && make && sudo make install

5. Download and install libsqlite3-dev:

    sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev

 6. Download reaver:


7. Extract reaver tar.gz file:

    tar xfvz reaver-1.4.tar.gz

8. Install reaver:

    cd reaver-1.4/src/ && ./configure && make && sudo make install

9. Get cracking! Copy the BSSID you chose from the other open terminal and enter it in like this:

    sudo reaver -i mon0 -b <paste BSSID here!!> -vv

-i mon0 = use the mon0 interface which is your wifi adapter in monitor mode.
-b "some BSSID" = the router to crack.
-vv = give very verbose output.

10. Now wait from around 4-10 hours as it cracks the network key!


Friday, February 26, 2016

How to clean android malware

How to clean android malware from your smartphone
The world’s most popular anti-malware technology has now gone mobile! Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Mobile protects your phone or tablet from malware, infected apps, and unauthorized surveillance.

BETA FORUM > Malwarebytes Anti Malware Mobile
to download the latest beta version, giving feedback and suggestions, please visit the beta forum:

SUPPORT FORUM > Malwarebytes Anti Malware Mobile
•For question, feedback and suggestions, please visit the support forum:

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Mobile

• Detects and eliminates malware, including spyware and Trojans
• Scans your apps for malicious code or Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs)
• Alerts you if a link to a malicious website is detected in an incoming text message (SMS).
• Stops unauthorized access to your personal data
• Scans your Android device for security vulnerabilities
• Identifies applications that are tracking your location

Take your anti-malware protection to go
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Mobile guards your identity and personal data on-the-go. So you and your Android smartphone or tablet are safe from malware and unauthorized surveillance. Wherever you are. Whenever you go.

Make your smartphone smarter
Is that app or downloaded photo safe? With Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Mobile, you never have to worry again. Powerful anti-malware and anti-spyware technology protects your Android device. Detecting Trojans, spyware, and other Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs) before they can steal your identity, eavesdrop, or degrade your mobile experience.

Choose what you keep private
Cybercriminals, and even legitimate companies, can collect private information from your Android device. Where you go. Who your contacts are. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Mobile identifies what your applications are doing, and which private information is being accessed. So you can control who knows, and what they know.

Close the security holes
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Mobile automatically recognizes security vulnerabilities in your Android device’s settings. Then it makes recommendations on how to close those holes.

Make your smartphone lighter
Mobile security software is typically bloated with location features (Remote Lock, Locate on a Map, etc.). These features can already be found in your Android Device Manager—why duplicate them? Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Mobile preserves your device’s performance by adding only the necessary security features. And you can update its database over a WiFi network to reduce your data usage.

• Scans applications and files for malware and spyware
• Scans automatically when files or apps are accessed (real-time) or only when activated manually (on-demand)
• Scans native memory and SD card
• Schedules automatic scans
• Detects Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs)
• Updates the protection database automatically
• Updates over a WiFi network if preferable

Privacy Manager
• Identifies every application’s access privileges in detail
• Breaks down access privileges by category: Contacts, Identity Information, Simple Message Service (SMS), and Security Settings

Security Audit
• Identifies security vulnerabilities on your device, suggests remediation
• Links seamlessly to Android Device Manager’s device location features so the device can be located, locked, or reset if it is lost or stolen

Application Manager
• Identifies which applications are currently running
• Identifies installed applications
• Enables custom whitelisting of approved apps

Malwarebytes on Twitter:
Malwarebytes on Facebook:

Version 2.00.3
Updated on Nov 18, 2015
Content rating: Everyone


Kelly Clarkson Performs "Piece by Piece" - AMERICAN IDOL video

Kelly Clarkson Performs "Piece by Piece" - AMERICAN IDOL
user: American Idol

Published on Feb 25, 2016

Kelly's emotions run as high as her vocals while performing her intimately personal song "Piece by Piece".

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AMERICAN IDOL XV will bring generations together to cheer and vote for their favorite contestants and crown America’s next singing sensation – one last time.

The original music show phenomenon, AMERICAN IDOL returns for its farewell – and 15th – season in January 2016. Featuring host Ryan Seacrest and judges Jennifer Lopez, Keith Urban and Harry Connick, Jr., the farewell celebration will pay tribute to the past 14 seasons, the amazingly talented contestants and the millions of fans who called, tweeted, texted and championed their IDOLS.

Eventually the competition is whittled down to two finalists who compete for a major recording contract and the AMERICAN IDOL title. Past winners Kelly Clarkson, Ruben Studdard, Fantasia Barrino, Carrie Underwood, Taylor Hicks, Jordin Sparks, David Cook, Kris Allen, Lee DeWyze, Scotty McCreery, Phillip Phillips, Candice Glover, and Caleb Johnson as well as fan-favorites Jennifer Hudson, Adam Lambert, Chris Daughtry, and Katharine McPhee, have all become household names and made their marks on the recording industry.

Kelly Clarkson Performs "Piece by Piece" - AMERICAN IDOL


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Learn Korean language online

Welcome to Learn Korean dot Net
We are an independent online korean learning resource site, offering various free learning tools for speaking, reading and writing we also provide a unique online community forum featuring teachers to help you learn as you go.
Learn Korean has developed from a small language site, to one of the largest learning website online.

We will teach you in gradual phases, and will also provide you with a forum, where you can ask each other, as well as our teachers for help. We will also recommend a wide variety of online language learning tools, in the event that you wish to take your learning further, and will give you guidance in order to allow you to achieve this aim. We encourage all students to learn at their own pace, since their learning is dependent on their abilities.

Please Note that when using this online language learning site, you need to set your encoding to Korean, to be able to read the Korean Text.

To do this right click -> select encoding -> select Korean.

Basic Lessons

    Lesson 1 Hangul Alphabet System
    Lesson 2 Double Vowels (¸ðA½)
    Lesson 3 Use of Consonants (자음) and Vowels (모음)
    Lesson 4 - Grammer
    Lesson 5 - Sentence Structure and order
    Lesson 6 - Asking for things
    Lesson 7 - Korean Names and Topics
    Lesson 8 - More on Grammar
    Lesson 9 - Using Negative Copula's
    Lesson 10 Numbers and Counting
    Lesson 11 Using -seyo
    Lesson 12 - Grammar 1 + 2
    Lesson 13 - Grammar 3 + 4
    Lesson 14 - Grammar 5 + 6
    Lesson 15 - Family Members


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Learn Korean Free

Learn Korean - Free WordPower
By Innovative Language Learning, LLC

Open iTunes to buy and download apps.

Are you interested in learning Korean, but just don't have the time?

Let's face it, not everyone can commit full-time to learning a language. We know there are many things going on in your life: school, work, the kids, that special someone. That's why we developed WordPower Learn Korean Vocabulary Free for the ultra-busy, 21st century lifestyle. There's absolutely no reason to miss out on all the benefits of learning Korean just because you're light on time. With Korean WordPower Learn Korean Vocabulary Free, you'll start down the road to fluency and reap the rewards that go with it.

With WordPower Learn Korean Vocabulary Free, you'll master 100 of the most frequently used words and phrases in the Korean language right on your iOS device! The app doubles as a mini travel guide packed with cultural insights and practical Korean phrases. Learn Korean with audio recordings of a native Korean speaker and a voice recorder so you can master perfect pronunciation anywhere, anytime. This list of the 100 most frequently used Korean words is compact enough to fit a little review into you busy schedule. Study at your convenience at times and places that work for you! Korean WordPower Learn Korean Vocabulary Free also comes with an addictive Word of the Day alert and free Korean audio lessons when you sign up for a free account inside the app.

What makes WordPower so effective? It's Fun, Fast and Easy to Use!

WordPower Learn Korean Vocabulary Free FEATURES:
- Completely redesigned UI. The user interface has been redesigned from the ground up to be much cleaner, beautiful, and more user friendly
- New! Level 1 Basic Word List (approximately 200 words): Now you get more than just 1 word a day
- Support for iOS 6 and 4" Retina displays such as the iPhone 5 and 5th gen iPod Touch- Korean Top 100 Words: A special list of words specific to daily life in Korea. You’ll learn handy cultural insights with every entry transforming Word Power into a mini travel and cultural handbook (3G or WiFi required to access Wikipedia links within the app)
- Essential Korean vocabulary all in one place showing you the spelling, translation, pronunciation, image, class, hangul and romanization
- Sample Sentences: See and hear practical sample sentences with every word entry
- Free Audio Lessons: Learn more than just words! Access the newest audio lessons when you sign up for a Free Lifetime Account within the app
- Updated Basic Resources: Want to explore the Korean language even more? Learn everything you need to know with this comprehensive source of Korean learning tips, information and material
- Easy to Use Design: Intuitive iOS swipe navigation allows visual learners to browse vocabulary images quickly. Find everything you need without having excessive swiping and tapping
- Custom Flashcard Settings: You're in control of your study sessions. Mix up question types (recognition, production, audio and visual) for a full understanding of each word
- Listening Practice: Hear each word's proper pronunciation by a native speaker
- Perfect your Pronunciation: Compare your pronunciation to the native speaker's with the Voice Recorder, easily accessible throughout the app
- Personalized Word Bank: Save difficult or useful words, with their audio files, to review at any time
- Advanced Search Function: Search entire database in English or Korean
- Progress Bar: Keep track of how many words you have really mastered
- Word View Options: Romanization can be turned on and off

100 words not enough?
Upgrade to Korean WordPower Vocabulary full editionl to get 2000 more words and phrases!
Innovative Language Learning, LLC Web SiteLearn Korean - Free WordPower Support
What's New in Version 4.8

-NEW: by popular demand, you can now control the speed words and sentences are played back at! Just tap on the speaker icon in the top right of the screen and choose your speed: 0.5x, 1.0x, 1.5x, or 2x. You can also adjust the playback speed by going to Settings->Audio Settings.
-NEW: find a problem or error with a word or sentence? Tap the new red ! icon in the upper right of the word detail screen to send us an error report right from the app.
-NEW: tap and hold any text for a few seconds to bring up the option to copy it and then paste it wherever you'd like!
-NEW: don't like that the word of the day notification pops up at midnight? No problem. Just go into Settings->New Word Settings and choose what time you'd like your word of the day notification to be delivered!
-NEW: on the subject of the word of the day, now tapping on the word of the day notification will take you straight to it.
-FIXED: flashcard font magnification settings
-FIXED: fixes for iOS 9 and other general bug fixes.


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Important Function of Fruit & Vegetable Juices

Important Function of Fruit & Vegetable Juices:

Nutritional Benefits

    Fruit & vegetable juices are naturally fat free
    Fruit & vegetable juices provides fruit energy: Fruits, vegetables & their respective juices provide substantial amounts of fruit carbohydrates, which supply energy to power all body work -- from heartbeats and household work to school homework and office work, even for the smile that spreads across our face
    Fruits and vegetables contain significant  amounts of vitamins & minerals. Vitamins are required for carrying out many vital functions of the body and many of them are involved in the utilization of the major nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Minerals and microelements are necessary for the nerve and muscle function and are the building material for some body tissue
    Fruit juices with NO ADDED SUGAR helps meet  5-a-day plan

Protective Benefits

    Fruits, Vegetables & their respective juices contain substantial amount of biologically active non-nutrient compounds called phytochemicals. These protective components exert various beneficial roles in the body
    Fruit Juices are naturally rich in potassium & low in sodium. Research indicates that diets rich in potassium & low in sodium helps in maintaining heart health
    Fruit juices are rich in antioxidant nutrients that help strengthen body’s natural defenses
    Fruit and vegetable juices are a perfect food supplement. They are far more powerful than the isolated nutrients found in vitamin pills. Nutrients influence each other and, therefore, they should not be separated because nutrients combined naturally in food work together more effectively than when they are separated as a single supplement

Fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that may help protect you from chronic diseases. Compared with people who consume a diet with only small amounts of fruits and vegetables, those who eat more generous amounts as part of a healthful diet are likely to have reduced risk of chronic diseases, including stroke and perhaps other cardiovascular diseases, and certain cancer.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

How to build your Android app

How to build your first Android app application .apk. You’ll learn how to create an Android project and run a debuggable version of the app. You'll also learn some fundamentals of Android app design, including how to build a simple user interface and handle user input.

Before you start this class, be sure you have your development environment set up. You need to:

    Download Android Studio.
    Download the latest SDK tools and platforms using the SDK Manager.

Note: Although most of this training class expects that you're using Android Studio, some procedures include alternative instructions for using the SDK tools from the command line instead.

This class uses a tutorial format to create a small Android app that teaches you some fundamental concepts about Android development, so it's important that you follow each step.

An Android project contains all the files that comprise the source code for your Android app.

This lesson shows how to create a new project either using Android Studio or using the SDK tools from a command line.

Note: You should already have the Android SDK installed, and if you're using Android Studio, you should also have Android Studio installed. If you don't have these, follow the guide to Installing the Android SDK before you start this lesson.
Create a Project with Android Studio

    In Android Studio, create a new project:
        If you don't have a project opened, in the Welcome screen, click New Project.
        If you have a project opened, from the File menu, select New Project. The Create New Project screen appears.
    Fill out the fields on the screen, and click Next.

    It is easier to follow these lessons if you use the same values as shown.
        Application Name is the app name that appears to users. For this project, use "My First App."
        Company domain provides a qualifier that will be appended to the package name; Android Studio will remember this qualifier for each new project you create.
        Package name is the fully qualified name for the project (following the same rules as those for naming packages in the Java programming language). Your package name must be unique across all packages installed on the Android system. You can Edit this value independently from the application name or the company domain.
        Project location is the directory on your system that holds the project files.
    Under Select the form factors your app will run on, check the box for Phone and Tablet.
    For Minimum SDK, select API 8: Android 2.2 (Froyo).

    The Minimum Required SDK is the earliest version of Android that your app supports, indicated using the API level. To support as many devices as possible, you should set this to the lowest version available that allows your app to provide its core feature set. If any feature of your app is possible only on newer versions of Android and it's not critical to the app's core feature set, you can enable the feature only when running on the versions that support it (as discussed in Supporting Different Platform Versions).
    Leave all of the other options (TV, Wear, and Glass) unchecked and click Next.

    An activity is one of the distinguishing features of the Android framework. Activities provide the user with access to your app, and there may be many activities. An application will usually have a main activity for when the user launches the application, another activity for when she selects some content to view, for example, and other activities for when she performs other tasks within the app. See Activities for more information.
    Under Add an activity to <template>, select Blank Activity and click Next.
    Under Customize the Activity, change the Activity Name to MyActivity. The Layout Name changes to activity_my, and the Title to MyActivity. The Menu Resource Name is menu_my.
    Click the Finish button to create the project.

Benefits of Garlic

Garlic as a medicinal food has an impressive range of benefits. Garlic and its cousin onion contain substances that discourage platelets from sticking together and prevent blood clots, helping to naturally thin the blood. They also lower total cholesterol and triglycerides, another type of blood fat, all the while increasing HDL, "good cholesterol".  Garlic may also lower blood-sugar levels in people with diabetes. Garlic may exert its effects in part by stimulating beta-cell insulin secretion. While garlic has had some mixed results in trials set to measure its effects on lowering blood sugar, diabetics may still wish to consciously add more fresh garlic to food, or even consider supplementation with garlic powder due to its protective health benefits and absence of major side effects. The major drawback to garlic continues to be the risk of stomach upset with higher doses, along with the usual risk of compounding the effects of prescription blood thinners.

Garlic can and should be used liberally in food, either powdered or freshly chopped. Two cloves or more a day are considered a medicinal dose. Eating 2 to 3 fresh garlic cloves a day has many health benefits including diabetes, arthritis and heart health. To make it more palatable, mash the garlic cloves with a spoonful of honey A simple garlic based broth may be more effective than chicken soup! Garlic and it's close relatives (chives, leeks and onions) can be applied directly to burns in a poultice. Or cut an onion in half and squeeze the juice on the burn. Garlic infused oils can be used topically or in cooking. Crushed garlic is a good addition to any homemade insecticide spray. Garlic cloves, placed in the ground around plants will deter slugs. Garlic is a natural pesticide against mosquito larvae.

Using garlic and onion to treat ear infections is a longstanding home remedy that many people swear by, claiming that they alleviate the pain of ear infections and even eliminate the infection entirely. garlic has shown some potential in lowering high cholesterol and blood pressure and lowering risk of certain cancers. Onion has similar properties and has been linked to a reduced risk of both stomach and brain cancer.

How can we use garlic
for hair loss remedy? – An hour before bedtime, slice open a clove of garlic and rub it on the hair loss area. Wait for an hour then massage the scalp with olive oil. Put on a cap and go to bed. In the morning, shampoo your hair. Repeat this remedy for a few weeks, and hopefully hair will stop falling out and re-grow.

Onion (Allium cepa) recognised with healing qualities include their antibacterial, cleansing, stimulating, and nourishing powers. Onions contain a number of important minerals and vitamins, such as vitamins C and B6, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and germanium. Onion also has a high sulfur content. Sulphur is a mineral present in every cell in our body, with its greatest concentration in hair, skin and nails. It has often been called the “beauty mineral” and the “healing mineral” because of its ability to promote circulation and decrease inflammation. These qualities also lend to the theory that adequate amounts of sulphur can jump-start hair growth in people with deficiencies. High amounts of sulphur in onions make them particularly effective in regenerating hair follicles and stimulating hair regrowth. In addition, naturally-concentrated sulphur compounds have been proven to show additional hair-restoring.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

How to Edit movies in Movie Maker

How to Edit movies in Movie Maker Windows

Make your movie look the way you want it to with the editing tools in Movie Maker.

Trim your video

You can trim the beginning and end of a video so your movie shows only the part of the video you want. For example, if you have a video with a few black frames at the beginning, you could trim the beginning of the video so the black frames don't appear in your final saved movie.

When you trim a video file in Movie Maker, the original video file isn't affected. All the video footage remains in the original video file.
Hide all
To trim a video in Movie Maker

    On the Home tab, in the Add group, click Add videos and photos.

    In the Add Videos and Photos dialog box, open the folder that contains the photos or videos that you want to add, select the video files and photos, and then click Open.

    Click the video that you want to trim.

    To select multiple photos and videos, press and hold the Ctrl key, and then click each photo and video you want.

    Under Video Tools, on the Edit tab, in the Editing group, do one or more of the following:

        To set a new start point for the video, drag the slider underneath the preview monitor to the point that you want the video to start, and then click Set start point.

        To set a new end point for the video, drag the slider underneath the preview monitor to the point that you want the video to stop playing, and then click Set end point.

To clear any new start and end points in Movie Maker so the whole video plays

    Click a trimmed video in your project.

    Under Video Tools, on the Edit tab, in the Editing group, click Trim tool.

    Do one or more of the following:

        To make the trimmed video play from the beginning again, click the start trim handle underneath the preview monitor, and drag it to the beginning of the video.

        To make the trimmed video play to the end again, click the end trim handle underneath the preview monitor, and drag it to the end of the video.

    On the Trim tab, in the Trim group, click Save trim to save the changes you made and to close the trim tool.


    To quickly trim a video in Movie Maker, play the video you want to trim, and then press the I key to make the current point the start point, or press the O key to make it the end point.

    If you trim part of a video that has a caption, the caption is trimmed too.

Split a video

You can split a video into two smaller items and then continue editing. For example, after splitting a video, you can move one video in front of the other to change the order in which the videos play in your movie.
To split a video into two items

    Click your movie, and then drag the playback indicator to the point where you want to split the video.

    Under Video Tools, on the Edit tab, in the Editing group, click Split.

Speed up or slow down a video

You can change the speed of your video in Movie Maker to make the it play faster or slower.

Click the video, and under Video Tools, on the Edit tab, in the Adjust group, click the Speed list, and then click a speed (depending on how much you want to speed the video up or slow it down).
Choose a theme

A Movie Maker AutoMovie theme will automatically add titles, credits, transitions, and effects to your movie. Preview the AutoMovie themes by pointing to each one with your cursor.

Once you've added the photos, videos, and music you want to use to MovieMaker, on the Home tab, in the AutoMovie themes group, click the theme that works best for your movie. You can continue editing, or just save your movie.

    AutoMovie creates credits for your movie based on your tags. If your tags aren't correct, you can correct them by typing in new ones.

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